Jaeyoung Lee


Hello, I’m Jaeyoung, currently attending Seoul National University as a Computer Science and Engineering major. I am currently a research intern at MARS Lab, under the guidance of Dr. Saadia Gabriel. Additionally, I collaborate externally with the NYU College of Data Science, where Dr. Gabriel also hosts my work. Furthermore, I am an undergraduate researcher at Yonsei MIR Lab, with Dr. Youngjae Yu as my advisor. Before that, I worked as a software engineer for 3 years at Hyperconnect, a company acquired by Match Group. There, I worked on developing an AI content moderation system that employed a human-in-the-loop approach.

My primary research interests include misinformation detection and LLMs understanding the social value. Recently, I have been working on misinformation detection, especially on improving systems by utilizing knowledge transfer and interventions generated by LLMs.


Jul 02, 2024 Preprint of the paper How to Train Your Fact Verifier: Knowledge Transfer with Multimodal Open Models is now available on arXiv :fire:
May 17, 2024 I will start exchange student program at University of Texas at Austin, Computer Science, 2024 Fall semester :cowboy_hat_face:
Mar 12, 2024 I’ll be working as an external collaborator at NYU College of Data Science, hosted by Dr.Saadia Gabriel :tada:
Feb 26, 2024 I’ll be working as a research intern at MARS Lab, advised by Dr.Saadia Gabriel 🥳
Jan 04, 2024 I will join MIR Lab at Yonsei University as a research intern, advised by Dr.Youngjae Yu :smile:

Selected Publications

  1. arxiv
    How to Train Your Fact Verifier: Knowledge Transfer with Multimodal Open Models
    Jaeyoung Lee, Ximing Lu, Jack Hessel, Faeze Brahman, Youngjae Yu, Yonatan Bisk, Yejin Choi, and Saadia Gabriel
    arxiv preprint, Jun 2024

Work Experience

Mar 2024 - Present NYU CDS, External Collaborator (Host: Dr.Saadia Gabriel)
Jan 2024 - Present MIR Lab (Yonsei University), Research Intern (Advisor: Dr.Youngjae Yu)
Mar 2024 - Present Mars Lab (University of California, Los Angeles), Research Intern (Advisor: Dr.Saadia Gabriel)
Sep 2023 - Dec 2023 LDI Lab (Seoul National University), Research Intern (Advisor: Dr.Seungwon Hwang)
Oct 2019 - Oct 2022 Hyperconnect, Software Engineer


Aug 2024 - Dec 2024 The University of Texas at Austin, Computer Science
(Exchange Program, 2024 Fall Semester)
Mar 2016 - Aug 2025 Seoul National University, Computer Science and Engineering
(Including military service, 2019.11 - 2022.8)
Aug 2018 HEIG-VD, Computer Science, summer exchange program